All About the Different Kinds of Florida Water Snakes Out There!

Florida, as one of the largest states in the US in terms of land area, is also a home to different snakes. The ideal climate in the region has invited different folks to call this place as their new home. People are not the only beings that are attracted by the warm climate of the states. At least 50 types of snakes can be found in Florida including the various water snakes. Snakes need the warm weather to help them regulate their body temperature. Warmer climate also means that there is a large accumulation of insects in the area.

Types of Florida Water Snakes

While there may be 650 snakes in the area, most of them will not pose a serious threat to the safety of the Cape Coral community. They are non-venomous and prefer to eat rodents and insects. Nonetheless, when bitten by a snake, you should always treat this as an emergency and seek proper medical attention.

Banded Water Snake

Banded Water Snake is not a common snake that you will not usually encounter. The population of this Cape Coral snake is concentrated in the southern region of the US. It can grow to at least 40 inches and they have deep brown or reddish-brown scale. They have yellow shade in their belly with spots of black and red.  These spots are bright that it is impossible not to notice them. As they grow old, their scales will turn dark. They also have noticeable bands on their side as well as on their back. The bands can be narrow and sometimes wide. This bands will gradually disappear as they mature.

Brown Water Snakes

The Brown Water Snakes are semi-aquatic creature that are also known as water rattler, pied water snake, false moccasin, and water pilot just to name a few. They have a stout body frame that is not proportionate to their think neck. The shade of their scale may range from rusty brown to brown that comes with dark blotches that are evident on their back. You may also see these blotches on the side of the snakes and on their eyes that extends down to their jaw line. Their belly can be yellow or brown with dark crescents. They can grow at around 30-60 inches but there are reports of Brown Water Snakes reaching a maximum length of 70 inches. The male species are generally lighter and expectedly smaller compared to the females.


Cottonmouth, popularly known as Water Moccasin, is a medium-sized serpent that measures at an average of 4ft. Their color may range from brown to dark and comes with a light banding that will be obvious on their side. When they were young, they will usually have a lighter color and they will have a more discrete pattern. They have a stout body that matches their triangular head. They carry cytotoxin that prohibits the clotting of the blood and destroys our tissue. 

Out of the 50 snakes that exist in Florida, only six of them are considered venomous. On Cape Coral water snakes, only the cottonmouth poses a considerable risk. Since Florida is home to different marshland and swamps, you should be extra careful when you are venturing on these bodies of water.

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